COVID-19 New Asean

An analysis of those IFR rates indicates that COVID-19 is hazardous not only for the elderly but also for middle-aged adults, for whom a fatal COVID-19 infection is two orders of magnitude more likely than the annualized risk of a fatal automobile accident and far more dangerous than seasonal influenza.[89] Case fatality ratio (CFR) Another metric in assessing death rate is the case fatality ratio (CFR),[b] which is deaths attributed to disease divided by individuals diagnosed to-date. This metric can be misleading because of the delay between symptom onset and death and because testing focuses on individuals with symptoms (and particularly on those manifesting more severe symptoms).[79] On 4 August, WHO indicated "at this early stage of the pandemic, most estimates of fatality ratios have been based on cases detected through surveillance and calculated using crude methods, giving rise to widely variable estimates of CFR by country – from less than 0.1% to over 25%."[81]
As the global race to produce a Covid-19 vaccine continues, China appears to have made huge strides, with vaccines from two front-runners - Sinovac and Sinopharm - already making their way abroad.
he World Health Organization (WHO) in Cambodia has worked closely alongside the Royal Government of Cambodia, particularly the Ministry of Health (MOH), and in collaboration with partners, to respond to COVID-19 and ensure that Cambodia is prepared for community-level transmission so that the health, social and economic impacts of the disease can be minimized. WHO provides technical and operational support to MOH to find, isolate, test and care for COVID-19 cases, and to trace and quarantine their contacts. WHO has supported the development and implementation of the Cambodia Master Plan for COVID-19 and its nine priority action areas: Incident management and planning; surveillance and risk assessment; laboratory; clinical management and health care services; infection prevention and control; non-pharmaceutical public health measures; risk communication; points of entry; and operational logistics.
China is Cambodia's key political patron and largest source of development assistance, having helped funnel billions of dollars for infrastructure projects. This has fueled criticism that Phnom Penh has become over-reliant on, and a proxy for, Beijing. But Hun Sen, speaking remotely to Nikkei's Future of Asia conference on Thursday, called that criticism "unjust."

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